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Committee Updates/Newsletters


Lilypad Pre-School Committee 

Did you know that without the committee the Pre-school couldn't open? As a registered charity Lilypad Pre-school is managed by a committee of parent/carer volunteers. Most people don't realise how important the committee is and how vital it is for the pre-school to be supported by the parents. We hold regular meetings and being on the committee gives all parents not only an insight but a say in how the pre-school is run. The committee also work with the staff to organise great fundraising and social events to raise money to pay for new toys and days out for the children. During October/November we hold an Annual General Meeting when new committee members are elected.

Our current committee members are: 
Chairperson –            Kelly Guy
Vice Chairperson –    Jade McMullan 
Secretaries –             Sarah Phillips
Treasurer –                Janet Lacey
Committee Members – Wendy Harris, Emma Bryant



Friends of LilypadCara Honey, Jeanine Willett

All, that is needed is a little time to give to the pre-school and you can volunteer for whatever role suits you best. It can be a fantastic way to use skills you already have on your CV or even develop new ones. Being on the committee is a great way to help create the best possible pre-school setting for your child. It's also fantastic for getting to know the staff and other parents better. If you don't feel you have enough spare time to be on the committee but still want to help out, feel free to speak to one of the current committee members or the staff to put your name forward for helping at our fabulous fund-raising events.


Click here to download the Committee Details