About Us
Our Learning EnvironmentOur settings are renowned for its welcoming attitude and its commitment to ensure both children and parents feel it is a safe, secure, and happy place to be. We pride our pre-schools on having a bright, child friendly and encouraging learning environment, both indoors and out, that is safe, supportive, and suitable to our children’s needs. Both our indoor and outdoor environment are zoned to reflect the different areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, housing top quality resources in a stimulating and highly accessible manner.
Planning and AssessmentAs a setting we are committed to providing learning and development within the prime areas of the EYFS, physical development, communication and language, and personal, social and emotional development. We also support children in the specific areas of literacy, mathematics, understanding of the world and expressive arts and design. Each child moves forward as an individual and when they are ready for the next stage. We aim to take a holistic approach to their development making them feel safe, happy and secure which therefore allows them to learn and achieve. Through our planning, observation and assessment we ensure that each child is able to work and achieve to their full potential. By forming secure and positive relationships between staff, parents and children we use our knowledge to help plan an exciting and diverse curriculum of activities and experiences that capture children’s imagination and enthusiasm. We use children’s interests and likes as a foundation to this and provide children with a mixture of adult led and directed activities the opportunity to extend and modify pre-existing activities; as well as having the opportunity to self-direct. |
Session Times, Prices, UniformWe offer Morning and Afternoon sessions for your child to attend.
SessionsWe would like to notify you of our revised Fee Charges and Opening Hours, from January 2025.
LILYPAD AT THE SCHOOL Morning Session: 8.45 am - 11.45 am
PricesWe accept 2-Year-Old Funding, 3-Year-Old Funding,(15 Hours per week) 30 Hour Funding FREE
We allow Tax Free Childcare.
Additional Session Charge (3 Hours) £23.00 per session
Lunch (When not doing full day) £2.50 Charge
Sundries - (Snack (2 per day) Baby Wipes, Seasonal Activities, Craft and Messy Play) £2.00 per session
Emergency Session request £28.00
LILYPAD IN THE PARK Morning Session: 9.00 am - 12.00 noon Afternoon Session: 12.30 pm - 15.30 pm
PricesWe accept 2-Year-Old Funding, 3-Year-Old Funding,(15 Hours per week) 30 Hour Funding FREE
We allow Tax Free Childcare.
Additional Session Charge (3 Hours) £23.00 per session
Lunch (When not doing full day) £2.50 Charge
Sundries - (Snack (2 per day) Baby Wipes, Suncream, Seasonal Activities, Craft and Messy Play) £2.00 per session
Emergency Session request £28.00
For further funding information please refer to the UniformPolo Shirt: £10.25 Each | Please read the following about Pupil Premium, and if this applies to you, you are welcome to speak to Dawn Beardmore.
The Early Years Pupil PremiumFrom April 2015, nurseries, schools, childminders, and other childcare providers have been able to claim extra funding through the Early Years Pupil Premium to support children’s development, learning and care. We wanted to write to you to explain what the Early Years Pupil Premium is, explain who is eligible for this funding. Please ask for Forms to complete.
National data and research tell us that children eligible for free school meals tend to do less well, for example in 2014, 45% of children eligible for free school meals achieved the expected level at the end of the early year’s foundation stage compared with 64% of other children. The Early Years Pupil Premium will provide us with extra funding to close this gap.
The Early Years Pupil Premium provides an extra 60 pence per hour for three- and four-year-old children whose parents are in receipt of certain benefits or who were formerly in local authority care but who left care because they were adopted or were subject to a special guardianship or child arrangements order. This means an extra £342 a year for each child taking up the full 570 hours funded entitlement to early education. This additional money could make a significant difference to us.
It is well documented that high quality early education can influence how well a child does at both primary and secondary school, so we do want to make the most of this additional funding. You may be aware if you have older children that a pupil premium has been available for school-age children, and it has proved to have given a real boost to the children receiving the funding. We want to do the same for our early year’s children entitled to this funding.